BIRD FLU – What is Bird Flu, Sign & Symptoms, How it Spreads, Precautions
Bird Flu is also known as Avian Flu or Avian Influenza. It’s a strain of the Influenza A virus strain. It primarily affects Birds both wild and domestic. Recently in India, it has spread to Poultry (Chicken, Duck) Crow, Sparrow & Parrots. The bird flu virus has many strains out of which H5N8 has been seen in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, and Maharashtra whereas the H5N1 virus strain has been seen in Himachal Pradesh. Here Dr. Vaseem Choudhary gives you brief information on Sings&Symptoms and Precautions of Bird Flu. SIGN & SYMPTOMS – Fever Cold & Cough Sore Throat Congestion Pneumonia Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome RISK FACTOR – Below 2 years above 60 years Pregnant women Comorbid – Diabetes, Hypertension. A deadly virus, as it has a high mortality rate i.e. 60%. Although bird flu is contagious among birds but rarely infects humans . The virus has both strains –i.e. High Pathogenic and Low Pathog...