Nasal Polyps – Causes, Symptoms & Diagnosis
Nasal Polyps are defined as a soft painless overgrowth on the lining of your nasal cavity and sinuses. Mostly occurs after severe chronic inflammation such as recurrent infections, and allergies . Recurrent occurrence of nasal polyps might cause breathing problems and loss of sense of smell. CAUSES Chronic inflammation Asthma Allergic reaction Immune disorders Certain medications Aspirin sensitivity Vitamin D deficiency Sinusitis SYMPTOMS Running nose Breathing problem Irritation in nose Severe itching Pain in the upper jaw Severe headache Post nasal drip Nasal bleeding Loss of smell COMPLICATIONS Obstructive sleep apnea Chronic asthma Sinus infections DIAGNOSIS Nasal endoscopy Imaging Allergy tests Blood test for vitamin D levels Homeopathic Management Phosphorus One of the best suitable remedies for lean thin young adults who suffer from nasal polyps which bleed. Breathing problems occur due to blockage of nasal passages. CalcareaCarbonicum Physicians claim this is one of...