Best Homeopathic Treatment For Tinea Corporis / Ringworm


Homeopathic Treatment for Ringworm:-

  • Homeopathy is a safe and effective mode of treatment for ringworm infection. Instead of treating ringworm infection i.e. end product of skin eruption, Homeopathic Doctor focuses on improving immunity, thus helping the body to fight the infection on its own.
  • Homeopathy is absolutely safe and does not cause any unwanted side effects or suppressive tendencies.
  • This is because a constitutional approach is followed in homeopathic treatment for Ringworm. Conventional methods concentrate only on removing the eruptions from the skin rather than removing the root of the condition.

Here are some of the remedies used in homeopathic treatment for Ringworm.

  • Ringworm on Head – Mezereum, Dulcamara, Calc-Carb
  • On Beard – Thuja
  • On Fingers – Phosphorous,
  • The finger between toes – Silicea.
  • Between Groin region – Graphites, Thuja.

Homeopathic treatment for Ringworm recommends more than 60 remedies effective against the disease.

It is best to see a homeopathic physician to treat your ringworm infection. The doctor will examine your condition, get to the root cause, do proper case analysis, and prescribe you the medicines.

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