Anti-Ageing Homeopathic Treatment in Pune | Homeo Care Clinic | Dr. Vaseem Choudhary


Anti-Ageing Treatment

Today’s technology is advanced to such an extent that everyone can look younger though they grow old. The fact is, we’re all aging. Silly as it sounds, it’s true, and there are mental, physical, and emotional challenges we face through most of our aging transitions. Furthermore, most of us have not been blessed with freakish good looks and the genetic makeup or financial means to look 20 or 30 something well into our 50’s and 60’s. But Yes – exercise and good skin care can help a lot, but we think the real secret to aging gracefully is more likely found by a state of mind. While homeopathy does not promise any magic bullets for anti-aging, some homeopathic remedies can help with mental, physical, and emotional balance at the core.

anti ageing treatment

Here are a few options to keep in mind for Anti Ageing:

 The Ginkgo Biloba: The ancient Herb is one of the oldest living species, geological records indicate this plant has been growing on earth for 150 – 200 million years. Chinese monks are credited with keeping the tree in existence, as a sacred herb. It was first brought to Europe in the 1700s and it is now a commonly prescribed drug in France and Germany. It is one of the most well-researched herbs in the world.

 Calc Fluor: Is the most important elasticity remedy for treating growing bones, lumbago, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, stretch marks, and other ‘relaxed’ conditions.

 Calc Phos: Boosts nutrition and cellular activity to restore tone to tissue weakened by growth spurts, injury, illness or wear and tear.

 Kali Phos: Helps steady nerves and encourages healing of nerve tissue, especially in nerve-rich areas or injuries that seem too sensitive.

 Nat Mur: Helps ease dryness and aids water distribution to help circulation especially when tissues are mending or stiff. So, whether growing up, recovering from an injury, illness, fitness class, puberty, pregnancy, aging, or the blahs, you can use this remedy to aid flexibility and bounce-back-ability.


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