G6PD Deficiency

 Glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase, commonly called G6PD is an enzyme that is essential for the normal functioning of red blood cells and plays an important role in the oxidization process to maintain the physiology of our body.

G6PD deficiency is genetic and it is characterized by the X- linked metabolic disorder. The deficiency is followed by a premature breakdown of red blood cells, that is the rate of haematogenesis is less than hemolysis. Due to the rapid destruction of RBCs, hemoglobin found in RBCs fails to carry the oxygen from the lungs to different organs of the body resulting in hemolytic  Anemia.

Cause of G6PD Deficiency

G6PD deficiency is caused by hereditary factors only, no external stimuli contribute to its deficiency.

Symptoms G6PD Deficiency

In the majority of cases, a person does not show any symptoms and remains a carrier of G6PD deficiency for a prolonged time unless he is exposed to certain food or drugs like fava beans, sulpha drugs, or any noxious agent. Generally, symptoms appear when there is the rapid destruction of RBCs, in such situation patient shows the symptoms of hemolytic anemia like the appearance of pale skin, shortness of breath, abdominal pain with backache, splenomegaly, dark urine, tachycardia, headache with dizziness.

Infants with G6PD deficiency show signs of jaundice 1-4 days after birth due to rapid destruction of RBCs, though mild jaundice is a physiological phenomenon noted in newborns, but the prolongation of complaint may suggest G6PD deficiency.

Nutritional Management :

Though G6PD deficiency is genetically caused, there are some supportive nutritional measures to combat the ill effects of hemolytic anemia, these are:

  • Avoid eating fava beans which can lead to hemolytic anemia.
  • Avoid using high doses of ascorbic acid supplementation as it leads to hemolysis.
  • avoid consuming soya products.
  • Any edible items containing menthol should be avoided.
  • Increase consumption of food rich in antioxidants like tomatoes, apples, oranges, etc.
  • Promote the consumption of whole grains like oats, millet, and barley to get an adequate amount of carbohydrates.
  • A diet rich in vitamins and folic acid should be consumed rather than taking additional supplements.
  • Excessive amounts of vitamin K supplements have been proven to cause hemolytic anemia.

Scope of homeopathy :

Homeopathy has a significant effect on genetic diseases like G6PD deficiency. The holistic approach of homeopathy helps in the reversibility of disease conditions and the restoration of health back to its normal state. Homeopathic medicines do not have a direct action on a particular part or organ but it acts on the altered immunity and allow the body to heal itself without causing any side effects.

The single remedy thus selected after taking the totality of symptoms into consideration, arrest the progress of premature hemolysis caused by G6PD deficiency and boost the hemoglobin to carry the oxygen from the lungs to another part of the body, thereby promoting the process of oxidization and prevent the complications caused by hemolysis.

There are many homeopathic medicines that act well in hemolytic anemia caused by G6PD deficiency. Some of them are as follows :

  • Ferrum met: This remedy is indicated when the person has a great weakness. There is paleness of whole skin with pseudo flushes on slight excitement. Headache is pulsating in character with vertigo and ringing in the ears. Shortness of breath with tachycardia is predominantly present.
  • Aletris farinosa: This remedy acts well when there is extreme weakness and tired feeling throughout the day with a pale face. The patient feels complete loss of energy and powerlessness. Frequent episodes of giddiness and faintness are present.
  • Ferrum Phos: This remedy can be easily used for people of all age groups. The patient presents with complaints of paleness, and generalized weakness with nocturnal perspiration. There is tachycardia with an increased pulse rate.
  • Natrum mur: This remedy is useful when hemolytic anemia is associated with weight loss. The patient appears lean, thin, and malnourished with a loss of vital energy. Hemolysis cause a bursting type of headache with nausea and vomiting.
  • Calcarea Phos: This remedy is indicated when there is anemia with a slow recovery. There is a tendency to develop bone-related issues. A patient has brittle bones, weakness and difficulty in concentration.


In conclusion, Homeo Care Clinic offers a holistic approach to treating G6PD deficiency. The remedies mentioned above can treat the underlying causes of the condition and offer relief from the discomfort. However, it is important to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner for the correct dosage and duration of treatment. Homeo Care Clinic provides comprehensive care for various ailments, including G6PD deficiency, and offers customized treatment plans based on individual requirements.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about our services, please visit our website or give us a call. Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

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