
Xeroderma, commonly known as dry skin, is a dermatological condition characterized by a lack of moisture in the skin. While often a common and benign issue, persistent xeroderma can lead to discomfort and various complications.



Several factors contribute to xeroderma. Environmental elements such as low humidity, cold weather, and excessive sun exposure can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness. Additionally, aging, certain medical conditions, and prolonged use of harsh soaps or chemicals can exacerbate the problem.



Xeroderma manifests with a range of symptoms, including:
1. Dry, Flaky Skin: Skin may appear rough and scaly.
2. Itching and Irritation: Persistent itching can lead to scratching, potentially causing further damage.
3. Redness and Inflammation: Dry skin may become red and inflamed, especially in sensitive areas.
4. Cracks and Fine Lines: The skin may develop fine lines and cracks, particularly in areas prone to movement.

Read more: Symptoms


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