Diet chart to overcome Allergic Sinusitis

Things to eat and drink during - Allergic Sinus

  1. Drink plenty of fluids to remain hydrated which helps loosen mucously and release congestion.
  2. Drink hot boil water with honey or lemon, can also drink ginger water.
  3. Eat citrus fruits such as oranges, lemon blackberries,kiwi, papaya, strawberries
  4. Can drink pineapple juice to remain hydrated.
  5. Eat salads of carrots and onion and lettuce.
  6. Can drink hot green tea.
  7. Can have oatmeal, corn for breakfast.
  8. Make use of turmeric and ginger, onion, pepper, garlic in the preparation of food.
  9. Consume vegetables like radish, spinach, broccoli., potato, cabbage, cauliflower.
  10. Can eat sprouts such as Matki, chana, Chola, chawle.
  11. Vegetarians can opt for all types of Dal.
  12. Nonvegetarians can eat fish, all types of seafood .
  13. Can drink chicken noodle soup, corn soup.

Diet to be Avoided

  1. Avoid dairy products such as curd, yogurt, buttermilk, cheese.
  2. Avoid chocolates
  3. Avoid cucumber and tomato salad.
  4. Avoid fruits such as bananas, watermelon, guava, custard apple.
  5. Avoid red meat.
  6. Avoid peanuts
  7. Avoid soy products
  8. Avoid Coffee
  9. Avoid tomatoes
  10. Avoid ice creams, cold milkshakes.
  11. Avoid cigarette smoking, alcohol. wine.
  12. Avoid drinking milk daily
  13. Avoid ice tea.

Preventive Measures

  • Take steam inhalation with Vicks vapor.
  • Can use a nasal saline spray to avoid congestion.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Live in a clean house away from dust and pollen.
  • Sleep with a humidifier at the night to prevent nose block.

Lay back with a warm compress along your cheek, forehead, and nose.

Dr. Vaseem Choudhary – Homeo Care Clinic, Pune.

Dr. Vaseem Choudhary and his team will guide you with your diet details in cases of Allergic Sinus so if you are looking for your assistance then please visit our center.


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