List of recommendations for patients


Store the medicines away from strong perfumes, heat & direct sunlight.

Touching or handling of medicine with bare hands should be avoided & the cap of the container can be used to transfer the pills to the mouth.

Most of the homoeopathic medicines are to be taken without water. The pills or powder dose is to be kept on the tongue & allowed to dissolve. The mouth should be clean & free from any food smell or other odour, hence eating or drinking anything should be avoided 15 minutes before or after taking the medicine dose.

During the course of treatment, one should avoid coming in contact with any strong smelling substances like perfumes & colognes that may sometimes antidote the effect of a medicine.

Avoid all other homoeopathic medicine & formulas, homoeopathic, ayurvedic, medicated soaps, toothpaste & biochemical preparation.

Avoid All Skin Application For:

Avoid heat & ice fomentation, balms like tiger balm, Vicks, eucalyptus, Nilgiri, sensor, Moov, snuff, etc.

Massages & massage oil like mahanarayani tel, ayurvedic oils, homoeopathic oils, medicated soaps like Dettol/savlon, Multani mitti, etc.

In the case of eruption, skin rash, wound, etc NO SKIN OINTMENT is to be used like Dettol, Savlon, Soframycin, Betnovate, Flucort, arnica, calendula prickly heat powder, Strongly perfumed talc, etc. In case of blunt injuries Chandan, sukkah, turmeric, ice & heat fomentation should be avoided. In case of open wounds just wash with clean warm water & if necessary dress it with sterile gauze piece available with the chemist but antiseptic creams band-aid should be avoided.

Application of Mehandi & Heena, dyes should be avoided.

Avoid any eyes/ear/nasal drops & ointments.

No medicated oils & soaps should be used, for eg: anti-dandruff shampoo, etc.

Avoid all cough syrups & cough suppressants.

Avoid anesthesia including agents in all forms eg: menthol, mint tablets like Vicks, chlormints, halls, polo, paan masala, paan paraag, etc.


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