Diet to Reduce Heat in the Body

Normal body temperature is defined as 98.6F

There are certain factors that may lead to rising in your body heat such as

  • Infection
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Eating spicy, oily fried food
  • Caffeine and alcoholic drinks
  • Medications like opioids and antihistamines
  • Dehydration


  1. Take 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe Vera gel in 1 cup of water and drink once a day
  2. 1 glass of cold buttermilk in lunch is effective.
  3. Fruits like watermelon, strawberry, bananas are good option to maintain good electrolyte balance and maintain normal body temperature
  4. Vegetables like celery, cucumbers, spinach, kale, cauliflower can be eaten raw In salads
  5. Daily coconut water can keep your body hydrated and reduce heat
  6. Mint added in raita or mint chutneys also help in keeping your body cool
  7. Lime water juice also is beneficial
  8. It is also recommended that onion contains a high amount of water which automatically results in cooling the body red onions are said to be the best shield for sunstroke
  9. Lettuce also helps in reducing heat and maintaining a good digestive system
  10. Mushroom contains 15 essential minerals and vitamins so eating them raw can help them to keep body cool
  11. Yoghurt is also said to be excellent coolant for the body
  12. Iced green tea also keeps you hydrated and refresh
  13. The ginger cooler also helps to reduce heat
  14. The melon puree is also recommended by some experts for the coolness of the body.


  • Fatty food
  • Chicken
  • Red meat
  • Fried food
  • Extremely spicy food
  • Soyabean oil

Cinnamon bark


Has treated many patients whos having health issues with multiple disorders affecting dut to increasing body heat successfully with his mastery skills and expertise in knowledge Along with treatment for conservative management diet and exercise is also recommended to the patient for best results Please visit the centre for further details


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